Young Republicans of Greater Sacramento
California Young Republican Federation

Young leaders working
and fighting to keep the
American Dream alive.
Expanding the Republican
brand and passing the
Torch of Liberty to the
next generation.
Welcome to the home of the Young Republicans of Greater Sacramento.
We are a group of young professionals dedicated to serving our community through grassroots activism, advancing the conservative cause, and supporting candidates for office who reflect our shared values of freedom, liberty, and prosperity for all Americans.
We invite you to join our organization and take part in our activities!
To be a Young Republican, you must:
- Be a registered Republican between the ages of 18-40
- Work or live in Sacramento or Yolo County, or another bordering county
- Love Freedom and Liberty as protected under the U.S. Constitution.
As a member, you will take part in monthly social mixers, conventions, campaign deployments, speakers, and many other special events.

Brandon Tabback, President Emeritus
“ I'm a Young Republican because the economy does best when government gets out of the way. Small business drives the middle class but government regulation and intervention kills innovation and job growth. ”

Hannah Ackley, YR Member
“ I'm a young Republican because our country needs a strong military and a national security policy that puts America first. We live in an age of terroristm and when our leaders project weakness, our enemies grow bolder. ”

Danny Gonzalez, YR Member
“ I'm a Young Republican because organizations like ours serve the community and allow locals to meet like-minded professionals. It's great to know that I'm not the only young conservative in such a blue state as California. ”